The Physical Activity Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Unit has received numerous prestigious honours for innovation in research and knowledge translation. This page contains a list of the some of the recent distinctions for our research team.
- December 2019 Barb Morrison receives a CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarship – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement to conduct a research exchange at Liverpool John Moores University.
- December 2019 Dr. Warburton and Bredin publish invited paper in Journal of Clinical Medicine
- February 2019 Dr. Warburton and team publish systematic review in Journal of Clinical Medicine
- February 2019 Nana Wu and team publish systematic review in Journal of Clinical Medicine
- January 2019 Drs. Warburton and Bredin and Collaborators Receive $707,625 CIHR Project Grant
- January 2019 Shawn Hanna, Kai Kaufman, and Henry Lai Receive Prestigious CIHR Award
- March 2018 Barbara Morrison receives the CIHR Doctoral Award – Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship.
- August 2015 Mark Rice Receives the Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF)
- August 2015 Andrew Jeklin Receives WorkSafe BC Research Training Award
- May 2015 Alis Bonsignore Receives ACSM International Travel Award
- April 2015 Jean Burrows Receives the CIHR Doctoral Scholarship
- April 2015 Amanda de Faye Receives the CIHR Masters Award
- October 2014 Alis Bonsignore Wins Canadian Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Student Award
- May 2013 Taylor Drury Receives the Governor General’s Gold Medal
- March 2013 Dr. Darren Warburton Receives the CIHR/CMAJ Top Achievement in Health Research Award
- March 2013 International Charter on Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation: A Call for Action
- August 2011 Dr. Shannon Bredin wins the 2011 Award of Excellence from the University of Alberta
- August 2011 Premier of British Columbia Announces $3.5 Million Grant to MITACS
- February 2011 Dr. Shannon Bredin is a featured scientist on the Year of Science
- May 2010 LAUNCH of the PAR-Q+ & ePARmed-X+: International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health 2010
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